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Nutrition Guidelines
The Andover Regional Board of Education recognizes that child and adoles­cent obesity has reached epidemic levels in the United States and that poor diet combined with the lack of physical activity negatively impacts on students’ health, and their ability and motivation to learn.
The Andover Regional Board of Education is committed to:
1. Providing students with healthy and nutritious foods,
2. Encouraging the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat milk and whole grains,
3. Supporting healthy eating through nutrition education,
4. Encouraging students to select and consume all components of the school meal,
5. Providing students with the opportunity to engage in daily physical activity.
In support of a healthy lifestyle, the following items will not be served, sold or given out as a free promotion on school property while school is in session:
Foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations;
All food and beverage items listing sugar, in any form, as the first ingredient, unless part of a celebration or curriculum study.
All forms of candy.
Note: This policy does not apply to medically authorized special needs diets pursuant to 7 CFR Part 210; school nurses using FMNVs during the course of providing health care to individual students; or special needs students whose Individualized Educa­tion Plan (IEP) indicates their use for behavior modification.

School Snack and Lunch Program
Kindergarten and PreSchool Disabilities Program
Snack time is included in these 2 programs. Parents are encouraged to send their children to school with a nutritious snack and beverage.
Grades 1-8
A complete, nutritious hot lunch program is available to all students in grades 1-8. In addition to the regular lunch, milk and a variety of snacks are also available. 
Free/Reduced Lunch Program
Information and applications regarding the federal free and reduced lunch program are emailed to parents as well as posted above. You should carefully consider your eligibility for this program. If you qualify it can mean substantial savings in lunch costs during the course of the year. You can apply for free or reduced meals at any time during the school year. If your financial situation should change, please contact our school nurses: FMB- Cara Brock 973-940-1234 - ex:203. LPS - Eric Burneyko 973-315-5255, ex.303 or you may contact Nicole Sylvester, School Business Administrator, 973-315-5254, ex.404

Beverly Moore of Maschio’s Food Service
LPS at (973) 940-1234 x331

Dawn Jacobsen of Maschio’s Food Service
FMB at (973) 940-1234 x230