Special Services
Child Study Team
Andover Regional School District offers a continuum of services and a comprehensive program for students with disabilities. A network of general and special education teachers, paraprofessionals, related service providers and the case managers are responsible for addressing the educational goals of each student identified as needing special education.
The Child Study Team is composed of a learning consultant, a school psychologist, a school social worker and when appropriate, a speech/language therapist. The team works closely with staff, parents/guardians and other personnel to identify students in need of special education and related services. When warranted, a comprehensive evaluation and classification process is conducted, as per the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 6A, Chapter 14. To find out more about the team please see the "Team Members" page.
If your son or daughter currently has an IEP or if you have special education questions please contact the Child Study Team or your child's case manager.
For more information please contact:
Laurie Morano
Secretary Special Services
973-315-5255 Ext. 305
Suzanne Ross, Ed.S, M.Ed
Supervisor of Special Services
973-315-5255 ext. 409
Kelly Edsall, MA
School Psychologist
973-315-5255 ext. 306
Paige Ortega, LSW
School Social Worker
973-315-5255 ext. 307
Suzanne Ross, Ed.S, M.Ed
Learning Disabilities Teaching Consultant
973-315-5255 ext. 409