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Special Education Parent Advisory Group


NJAC 6A:14-1.2 District eligibility for assistance under IDEA Part B item 18, letter (h):
Each district board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities.


What is SEPAG?

Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) is a parent-led advocacy group focused on policies, programs, and practices within the school district. Families and caregivers of student(s) with learning needs or students eligible for or receiving services under an IEP or 504 plan are encouraged to attend SEPAG Meetings.


  1. Foster a positive and respectful environment within the special education community through parent education and involvement.
  2. Facilitate activities and events for all Andover parents to raise awareness, acceptance and understanding of children’s similarities as well as their differences.
  3. To develop a better understanding and to be informed of the district’s special education and professional development programs, in order to assist the Supervisor in making informed decisions relative to these key areas of the special education department.




Meeting Presentation 12/7/23 Effective Communication 

Meeting Presentation 1/10/24 Developing an Effective SEPAG

Meeting Presentation 3/8/24 Multiple Tiered Systems of Supports